Performance improves with higher levels of LEED certification
Over the past year, I have periodically shared snapshots of LEED project performance. These were database reports summarizing project performance by certification levels at a specific point in time. We heard that this information has been useful in understanding the benefits of certification and real world project performance.
Now, we have taken this up a notch. We have released the Arc Impact dashboard. This new tool provides a daily summary of LEED project performance based on data submitted to Arc. The dashboard includes three sections:
Top performers
Key Performance Indicators
Engagement metrics
The Top Performers are leading projects based on data from the last 365 days ending yesterday. Projects can be sorted by performance category to look at leaders in energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience. These projects are not limited to those with LEED certification, although LEED projects often dominate the chart given their focus on leadership and attention to complete data collection.
Top performing Arc projects for May 2, 2021.
The Key Performance Indicators section focuses on performance by LEED certification level. This illustrates performance gains (or in a few cases losses) with higher levels of certification. A few users have requested a comparison with non-LEED projects. We would like to do this; however, right now, it is tricky. We know exactly how information is collected for the LEED-certified projects, and they represent a defined population of spaces and buildings. Consequently, we can use LEED Certified projects as a baseline for higher levels of certification. It is not entirely clear how to operationalize comparisons to non-Arc, non-LEED performance data. Non-Arc, non-LEED projects are more variable and less transparent. In most cases, performance data for non-Arc, non-LEED projects are collected over disparate time periods and circumstances. We are open to collaborating on this important topic. Let me know if you have ideas.
There is a lot going on with the Key Performance Indicators graphs. First, we can see how Arc provides multiple, complementary views of project performance. For example, we can compare emissions per unit floor area with emissions per occupant.
We can also explore trends in survey-based information, including commute-related GHG emissions and occupant satisfaction.
One conclusion jumps out from this snapshot: High scoring LEED projects deliver both superior occupant satisfaction and a significant reduction in GHG emissions intensity. In other words, they benefit both people and the environment. For me, that is what green building is all about.
The Engagement section provides multiple views of Arc activity. Tabs across the top of the graph provide access to information on floor area and aggregate reporting on GHG emissions, energy, water, waste, and transportation. I pay careful attention to floor area and GHG emissions. These are two of our most important engagement metrics. Our mission is to engage more people, in more places, and, ultimately, reduce our climate impact over time.
The Arc Impact dashboard is updated each night. It provides a dynamic snapshot of project leadership, LEED performance, and Arc engagement.