The Green Sports Alliance (GSA) and Arc have teamed up to launch Play to Zero. This is an ambitious, global initiative to engage, inspire, and celebrate sport industry progress toward net-zero carbon and more resilient sports venues, teams, and leagues.
Rooted in Arc technology and tailored by GSA members over the first year of programming, Play to Zero will feature sports industry-specific scores, benchmarking, and recognition opportunities for organizations across the globe. Our effort will start with helping venues, teams, and leagues establish their own pathways to net zero carbon, track real world performance, share insights with colleagues, and, ultimately, receive recognition for their achievements. The program will expand to cover more performance areas and issues, iteratively informed by GSA members and linked to Arc technology development.
For GSA members looking to get a head start on benchmarking and performance recognition, they can get started today for free with existing Arc tools. Accounts and data will be seamlessly transitioned into the soon-to-be-launched portal that will feature new tools and sports add-ons. There are three immediate opportunities for GSA members to get started today for free:
1. Venues
Sports venue managers can set up a “project” in Arc. They login (creating a free account if needed) and Create a Project, selecting Public Assembly: Stadium/Arena as the type. Then, they can set up a project team, inviting anyone to contribute and controlling their access as needed. Users can enter, upload, or link to data on energy, water, waste, transportation, and human experience. The system will calculate and display key performance metrics, which will be customized to sport as the program develops.
2. Teams
Teams will be a special focus of Play to Zero. Arc gives sports teams the ability to quickly create and populate portfolios representing the full range of facilities. This may include headquarters offices, training facilities, venues, and other spaces. These can be whole buildings or just individual spaces (e.g., leased offices, storefronts, etc.). Arc provides the ability to assign projects (spaces, buildings, etc.) to one or more portfolios and then track team-wide performance or dive deep into metrics for individual facilities. There are no minimum data or information requirements, so facilities can literally start with no data and move forward incrementally.
3. Leagues
Venues and teams roll up to league portfolios. Again, teams and leagues can use existing tools to create league portfolios consisting of venues or collections of team facilities. Existing Arc tools allow comparisons across portfolios. This helps identify leadership and plan for improvement.
All of these features exist today and will be updated and customized to fit your specific needs as the program develops. Log in and get started today.
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Let us know if you need help getting started.