In March, we asked Arc users a question, what do they most want from our platform. We received a lot of feedback, but the one feature consistently appearing at the top of everyone’s list: reports! Attractive, portable, informative, sharable reports -- documents that they could send to internal and external audiences.
This clear demand drove us to focus on your business need and we now can offer users three kinds of reports:
Arc Essentials users can generate an unlimited number of these reports and customize them for any 12-month date range. The Project Performance and Portfolio Performance reports address all five core performance categories plus detailed information on greenhouse gas emissions. The emissions information includes a break-down by Scope 1 and Scope 2 and separates the accounting for building and transportation-related emissions.
The most popular element is the LEED v4.1 Readiness Analysis, available for both projects and portfolios. It provides a high-level gap analysis identifying potential certification levels and areas of strength and weakness in performance.
Another important improvement is the ability for projects to generate Arc Re-Entry reports. This is separate from the Project Performance report, and focuses on infection control through a facility management survey, occupant experiences, and indoor air quality measurements. Arc Re-Entry reports include a concise one-page “scorecard” that provides a yes/no summary of activities which can easily be updated as conditions change.
Learn more about these reports, and the other tools and features included in an Arc Essentials subscription.