Performance measurement for everyone
Arc uses operational performance data to recognize leadership. The Arc platform rewards projects for real world performance and accelerates market transformation by providing people and projects with the tools to reach high levels of sustainability performance
Today, we are taking a big step toward that goal by knocking down our own paywall. Starting on December 2nd, any project, any where can get started with Arc, for free.
This means that teams can:
Create a new project or claim an existing LEED project.
Add data, including connecting to Energy Star Portfolio Manager or an Arc Integration partner.
Generate Arc scores and see trends over time.
View key performance measures, such as site energy and GHG emissions.
Receive periodic updates
This is not a demo or a trial. Access includes everything a project team needs to get started measuring and managing performance.
We hope that projects will use these new capabilities to jumpstart their sustainability journey. For many, we believe that journey will include LEED certification as recognition for the holistic performance of spaces and buildings. We know that others may value an incremental path forward, perhaps working through a series of issues or objectives. For these projects, we have also introduced Arc Performance Certificates. These new certificates recognize and communicate leadership in individual categories, such as energy, water, and waste. They convey both Arc Performance Scores and Improvements Scores, along with underlying key performance metrics. These new certificates are free for Arc users through the end of 2019.
This gives Arc users a clear, stepwise pathway:
All in. Get started for free.
Performance Certificates. Get recognized for operational performance in any of the five Arc categories.
LEED Certification. Work towards this globally-recognized sign of leadership based on prescriptive and performance requirements.
Arc supports this pathway with a new user interface. Existing Arc users will find familiar tools to enter and manage data. Everyone will see a new “dashboard” that summarizes user activity, provides notifications about action items and presents key performance indicators.
User-friendly screens provide step-by-step guidance to help new users get started quickly. For example, this guidance helps users setup energy meters and enter data or connect to existing data services.
Once data is connected, the fun starts. New charts and graphs help users check data quality and track performance over time for all of the metrics underlying the Arc Performance Score. For example, the system can display monthly electricity and natural gas use.
Or, components of Human Experience, including occupant satisfaction.
The visualizations help users understand trends in Arc Scores and the underlying performance metrics.
Once projects are ready, Arc makes it easy to earn Performance Certificates or pursue LEED certification. Users select the “Leadership” tab and follow the step-by-step instructions to confirm eligibility, check data and complete the certificate or certification processes. Users can create as many Performance Certificates as they would like. This service is free through the end of 2019.
The best way to learn more is to try it out. Create a new project or claim an existing LEED certified project. Add data. Generate scores. Improve! We hope that this will inspire you to share your success and earn Performance Certificates and LEED certification.
Explore Arc or the Arc Channel on YouTube.